The story of how I suddenly decided I wanted to try painting started when I asked for a cornhole set from my dad for my birthday this year. The
company we ordered it through offers a selection of sports team logos on the boards, and having no love for any sport or team, I chose plain white for mine. Of course I had to decorate them somehow.... plain white demands color, shape, words, something, anything! My friend Kevin was hosting his annual party, Cornfest, in August and I thought it would be fun to decorate the boards with corn in honor of the party, where cornhole would of course be played. So my roommate and Kevin's fiancee, Lindsey, since she is my guru of all things crafty and creative, helped me to pick out some green and yellow paints and sponges to paint the cornhole boards, and one clear summer afternoon we sketched some ears of corn and painted them on. They came out looking SO fantastic, and I was immediately hooked on the creative high of painting. I kept telling my boyfriend, Rich, how much I wanted to start painting and he thought it was a great idea. He finally took me to Michael's one day to buy paints, paper, canvas and brushes so I could get started. I love anything with lots of bright colors so I knew I wanted to start right away with lots of color, even though my technical knowledge with regards to painting is basically nonexistent. I'm not too ambitious about my art skills taking me places but I knew I would enjoy working with color and maybe even eventually painting pictures for friends if I get truly inspired. I started painting on sheets from a pad of acrylic-safe paper to get a feel starting out, and this is my very first project! I love the colors in this one even if it does look like something a kindergartener might make.
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